
Our Brands

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2032 marks the centenary of our business. We have ambitious plans to deliver on our commitment to people and our planet. Our 100-1-0 positive business strategy sets out three major goals to be delivered by 2032:

  • Helping 100 million consumers live positive, 
active, sustainable lifestyles
  • Improving the lives of 1 million people in 
our communities
  • Becoming a net zero business


100 million consumers

living positive, active, sustainable lifestyles A quarter of all people do not do enough physical activity, and 20% of the world’s young people live with mental health issues*. Our brands will support consumers by creating sustainable products that support emotional and physical wellbeing. We will accelerate our focus on bringing communities together and supporting causes that matter to our consumers. *Source: World Health Organisation


1 million people

living better lives in our communities Almost half of all people are living on less than six dollars a day*. COVID-19 has impacted the most vulnerable, and discrimination, prejudice and injustice are dividing societies. We’ve committed to having 100% transparency across our supply chain, to protect human rights and the environment. We will be champions for social mobility, diversity and inclusivity. We will also give 1% of profits to charity every year and, over the next ten years, will donate half a million products to those most in need. *Source: Oxfam


Net zero by 2032

We are aiming to achieve net zero by 2032.

How we’re taking action

We’re a constant
work in progress

Although we know there’s much more work to be done, we’re committed to helping create a world that’s better, fairer and greener. Find out more about how we’re working towards our goals.