Pentland, Winston Churchill and Pol Roger announce 2024 design competition winner

Phoebe John from Arts University Bournemouth, has been announced as the first prize winner of this year’s Pentland, Winston Churchill and Pol Roger design competition.


Phoebe’s design of gift packaging for a bottle of Pol Roger Brut Vintage champagne, inspired by the special relationship between Winston Churchill and Odette Pol Roger, uses vibrant strokes to honour Churchill’s little known passion for painting. The use of colour in Phoebe’s design is taken from Churchill’s captivating paintings “Seascape with Rain Clouds” and “Daybreak at Cassis.”


This year’s competition holds a special significance, as 2024 marks 150 years since Winston Churchill’s birth and 175 years of the champagne brand Pol Roger. The brief was inspired by Churchill’s devotion to his favourite champagne and passion for creating a better world for the next generation.


The competition asked this year’s designers to demonstrate considerations of environmental impact. To achieve the vibrant colours in her design, Phoebe incorporated the use of vegetable inks, made from renewable materials, which significantly reduces the environmental impact of the design. The final packaging will be made from recycled cardboard.

When asked what winning meant to her, Phoebe responded, “Winning means everything to me as it validates my hard work and creativity and opens doors to new opportunities.”


Phoebe and her fellow runners up, Rachel Reyes, from MADA Monash University, and Alexandra Shortall, from Edinburgh College of Art, will each receive a cash prize and will be considered for paid work experience at Pentland Brands.  Pheobe will also be given an exclusive tour of the Pol Roger vineyard in Epernay, France and her winning design will be  available for sale as a limited edition piece.

This amazing opportunity for young designers, from across the world, is inspired by Winston Churchill, sponsored by Pentland Group and run in partnership with leading design platform ARTSTHREAD.

Phoebe’s advice to future entrants is, “Stay true to your vision, research thoroughly, think outside the box and don’t be afraid to innovate.”

You can find more opportunities for talented up-and-coming designers, on the ARTSTHREAD website. To stay up to date with more opportunities from Pentland, visit our Instagram, LinkedIn and X pages.