Doing the right thing

As a privately-owned family business, we believe in doing the right thing, not the easy thing.

This commitment is at the heart of Our Standards and we have dedicated teams, committees and leaders to help us put our principles into practice.


We’re a constant work in progress

Our executive team oversees all the areas detailed in Our Standards, including responsibility for human rights, supply chain and the environment. We have a dedicated corporate responsibility team which reports to our supply chain executive and works closely with our wider executive team to provide advice, guidance and expertise.

In 2019, we renewed our focus on being a ‘positive business’, with a responsibility to protect people and our planet. ‘Positive business’ is one of our four key strategy pillars as a business and is sponsored by our CEO, Chirag Patel. All the activities of our brands, functions and individuals feed into this strategy, which is used to determine our business’ success.

All our employee performance reviews, including those of our executive team, are measured against three Positive Business targets covering people and our planet, which determine performance-related bonus pay-out.

We have committees that guide how we take action, including:

Sustainability Steering Committee – including two members of our executive team, this determines initiatives and targets for becoming a more sustainable business.

Diversity and Inclusion Steering Committee – sponsored by our CEO, this guides us in becoming a more diverse, inclusive business where everyone is welcomed and supported.

In Good Conscience Forum – overseen by our supply chain executive, this oversees risks and opportunities in our supply chain, including those related to ethics, integrity and the environment.

Hear more from our Positive Business Director, Sara Brennan, on how our business is tackling sustainability.

For more information, get in touch by emailing